Let Gamse Answer Your Labeling Questions

Let Gamse Answer Your Labeling Questions

By Al, the Label Guy

Do you have product label questions? Gamse has some answers!

A label isn’t just a “pretty face” on your product. It tells (and sells) your brand story, so you want it done right! With all that goes into a successful label project, it’s important to understand the ins and outs and get your questions answered before you get started. Here we share a few FAQs. 

FAQ 1: “How do I know what kind of paper/material to use for my labels?”

The good news is, you don’t really have to know, because we do! There are tons of materials available, and we can help you find the perfect material based on the product it’s going to attach to. We stock hundreds of different materials—and if there’s a material we don’t stock, we can get anything you need.

FAQ 2: “Does Gamse create my graphics?”

While we have some really talented folks at Gamse, we leave the label designing to the creative pros. So, you’ll need to have your label already designed before it comes to us. But don’t worry, we can make edits and adjustments as needed.

FAQ 3: “What is a Pressure Sensitive label?”

A Pressure Sensitive label, also called P/S, already has the adhesive on the label so it’s ready to stick to your product. Think of a sticker, except we carefully pick a P/S material for your product to be sure it sticks and performs how you need it to.

Find more FAQs and other resources on our website. If you don’t find your question answered here, let us know what your question is!”