Product Labels that Make Life Easy for Lawn & Garden Enthusiasts
By Al the Label Guy
Did you know that the average American spends over 70 hours on lawn and garden care every year? I mean, who doesn’t want flawless green grass, prize-winning flower gardens, and perfect straight hedges? Believe it or not, it won’t be long before those lawn loyalists put away their spring and summer garden tools that they’ve grown attached to over the last several months. And those tools are surely ready for a little TLC after being put to good use. But it’s not as simple as just storing them in the garage or shed for a long winter’s nap. There are parts to be lubricated, blades to be cleaned, rust to be removed, mud to be scrapped, and shears to be sharpened. You get the picture. Lawn enthusiasts are just as meticulous about their gear in the off-season as they are on, and they’ll spend the time and money to make sure they’re prepared and ready to go on day one of the spring season. If you have a great brand that will make the lives of lawn and garden lovers easier, now is a good time to think about your product label strategy! Have a maintenance or cleaning product made for these consumer tools and equipment?
- Lawnmowers
- Chainsaws
- Tractors
- Leaf Blowers
- Trimmers And Edgers
- Pressure Washer
- Tillers and Cultivators
But wait! While spring, summer, and fall products are about to retire for the season, winter tools have been patiently waiting their turn. With the potential for snow and power outages on the horizon, consumers are readying their snow blowers, woodchippers, wood splitters, and generators with engine oils, chains, spark plugs, belts, and other controls, and they are looking for products like yours. They just need to see it with a Gamse labels on it!
The right label can help you stand out among the rest of the products in the lawn and garden space and Gamse can help. With 125+ years of label printing experience, we understand that not only does a label need to get noticed, purchased, and used, but it has to outlive your product. Our expertise and creative options in different label materials can help you meet the demands of your lawn care product needs.