A Short-Term, Temporary Gig? George Bacharach Retires After 38 Years at Gamse
Fresh out of college with no prospects for a job, George Bacharach’s stepfather became frustrated with his able-bodied stepson and couldn’t understand why he couldn’t find work.
“Be at the office Monday morning,” demanded LeRoy Gamse.
Not knowing what he was going to be doing, how long it would last or what he wanted to do for a career, George showed up thinking this would last “until something better came along.” It turned into a 38-year “short-term” stint with Gamse Labels and Packaging.
“I owe so much to LeRoy,” states George as he looks back over his time at Gamse.
George’s Shoes are Going to be Hard to Fill
George started as an "estimator", which today is called a CSR. But, during his time at Gamse, George sold over $200 million in labels and sleeves. He was responsible for developing accounts which included the likes of:
- Nabisco
- Revlon
- Lea+Perrins
- Lipton
- Jim Beam
- Snapple
- Heinz
- Perrigo PBM
- OATKA Milk
- Cruzan Rum
- Pepsi
- Sovena Oil
- Century Foods
- KanPak, and
- Black Prince Distillery
Although no one can remember how or when it exactly happened, about 20 years ago, George went on to become Vice President of Gamse.
Looking Back at Humorous Memories
“I remember arguing with Dawn Taylor in the late 1980s about the need to learn how to use a computer. I insisted that there was nothing you could do with a computer that you couldn’t do with a typewriter. I was and have remained a little challenged by new IT. Dawn was right, as she usually is.”
“I also remember one day in the early 80s when a young man walked into my office, very animated, assuring me that “everything was going to be great!’ He failed to mention who he was and why he was there. That man turned out to be Dan Canzoniero, who is now the President and owner of Gamse. He has continued to assure me that things are going to be great up until this very day. His optimism and patience have always been very important to me.”
George wants to thank Dawn, Dan and all the employees of Gamse who helped him throughout his career.
And, Now We Say “Good Luck” to One of Our Heroes
It’s been a good run for a kid with no job prospects. After a 38-year “temporary” gig at Gamse, we wish George the best of luck in his much deserved retirement. George will retire to his very old, but no longer leaky house in Canton with his loving and supportive wife, Ellen Rosenstock, who is always ready to try something new. Because of that, we’re sure she won’t let George find too much downtime in a rocking chair.
On to the next “short-term” adventure, eh George?